Call (702) 202-0020 today
Hip Hop and Jazz
Jr. Hip Hop ages 6-8
Body isolations, coordination, and body dynamics are the focus of our cutting edge Jr. Hip Hop class. Basic skills and techniques including, smooth and percussive movements, strong arm movements, shoulder and torso isolations, hip coordination, and footwork. A sense of rhythm and timing is introduced and rehearsed. Hip Hop is deceptively difficult and takes focus and commitment. What a great dance form to study and explore!
Attire Needed: form fitting dance attire, supportive athletic shoes, hair secured tightly in ponytail.
Interest List Forming Now, please call 702-202-0020 for more information.
Sr. Hip Hop ages 8-12
Body isolations, coordination, and body dynamics are the focus of our cutting edge Jr. Hip Hop class. Basic skills and techniques including smooth and percussive movements, strong arm movements, shoulder and torso isolations, hip coordination, and footwork. A sense of rhythm and timing is introduced and rehearsed. Hip Hop is deceptively difficult and takes focus and commitment. What a great dance form to study and explore!
Attire Needed: form fitting dance attire, supportive athletic shoes, hair secured tightly in ponytail.
Interest List Forming Now, please call 702-202-0020 for more information.